It's Thursday. Thursdays are rubbish. Let's lighten things up by looking at some of the funniest game glitches we've seen over the years. Whether that’s dodgy rendering, a temporary bug, or even totally game-breaking malfunctions, no game is immune. Here’s a breakdown of our favourite game glitches of all time. How many have you seen before?
Assassins Creed Unity
Some glitches are so good, they actually make the game better (read: funnier). Some, however, are just unforgivable. When Assassins Creed Unity was released, the Ubisoft studio was left with some egg on its face. Assassins Creed Unity was plagued with bugs and glitches far and wide. They included your character falling through the ground and getting stuck against invisible walls. Pretty annoying. But at least when the main characters face became invisible except for the teeth and eyes it was somewhat amusing. In fact, it's probably one of the creepiest and funniest glitches we’ve ever seen.

Red Dead Redemption
Even masterpiece games like Red Dead Redemption can fall victim to glitches. A game the sheer size of Red Dead is bound to have some teething bugs along the way, but this one is pretty random. As you're running towards the horse and cart, it nopes out of there and up into the sky. At times, the horse carts can be seen bouncing up and down like a low rider with a pretty serious hydraulics system, before launching into the air.
Heavy Rain
Anyone who’s played Heavy Rain will be familiar with the level in the shopping centre where you’ve lost your son Shaun. Your character is given the option of intermittently screaming his name. Well, this glitch allows you to continue doing just that, but at an inappropriately heart-wrenching moment of the final part of the game where (*spoiler warning*) you find Shaun either dead or alive depending on how you’ve played the game.
Sims 3
One game franchise which is well-known for its hilarious, and sometimes creepy, glitches in the Sims. This one, in particular, seemed to happen a lot in Sims 3. While in the 'create a Sim' section, your baby would stretch out into a terrifying alien creature. Not disturbing at all.

Fallout: New Vegas
Let’s file this one under the creepy and weird, too. In Fallout: New Vegas, after (*spoiler alert*) your character is shot and left for dead, Dr Mitchell is responsible for saving your life. Based on this glitch I wouldn’t want him operating on me...

Pokémon Red and Blue
It’s impossible to talk about game glitches and not mention Missingno from Pokémon Red and Blue. This malfunction allowed you to replicate the 6th item in your inventory, giving you unlimited rare candy and master balls and the opportunity to easily master the game. The best aspect of this glitch is that it was before the days of widespread home internet, yet all your mates at school were busy spreading the word at school.

This glitch appeals to the immature child in all of us. We kinda feel for this unfortunate Dragon.

Every year when the new FIFA games are released we expect to see some bugs and glitches. They're always hilarious and often bizarre, but our favourite has to be Wayne Rooney with his comically giant hands in Fifa 14.

So that's our list of the funniest game glitches we could find! Do you have any crazy ones you'd like to share? Let us know in the comments, or tweet us the video clip (@VenomGamingUK)!If you enjoyed this article, why not check out this one?
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