Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 Remastered - Remastered Video Game Screenshot||

Are Remastered Video Games the Future?

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Before we delve into the topic of remastered video games, there are a few things we need to clear up first. How do we even define a remastered game? For the purposes of this article, we’ll take a widely accepted definition. They are games that follow the same storyline and concepts as their originals, but have been reskinned/enhanced in some way.Remastering usually comes in the form of updated graphics and a better all-round visual experience within the game. Remakes are a discussion for another day. These are games that may take some of the coding and ideas from a previous title but re-vamp them with new stories, characters and graphics.

From Good to Great

Shadow of the Colossus is a great recent example of a remastered game. First released on PlayStation 2, this cult favourite was then upgraded to higher spec graphics for the PS3. Now it's been bolstered once more with HDR 4K resolution. It's easily the best-looking edition of what was already an awe-inspiring game.

Shodow of the Colossus Remastered - Remastered Video Game Screenshot

Remasters vs. Re-releases

If we were discussing re-releases, rather than the broader category of remasters, then it would be Grand Theft Auto: V. This game took concepts from a few of its predecessors and bought them together into one record-breaking title. Originally out on Xbox 360 and PS3, it was then released for the next generation of consoles, but without any updates to the graphics. The Call of Duty: Modern Warfare remaster, in contrast, takes us back through the same missions and story, but with an upgrade in the visual experience – much more of a pull for fans of the game who likely already own the title on a previous gen console.For publishers, remastering popular classic games is a no brainer. They have all the marketing tools there ready for them. It won’t take long for them to build hype around the re-release of one of our favourite games from 10 years ago. On top of that, they have the basic outline of the game already developed - they don’t have to spend time and resources (ok, money) on developing the game from the very ground up. In their eyes, it is an easy win - but do all gamers feel the same way?Opinion seems to be heavily divided on whether these games should be brought back into our lives to enjoy once again, or left as a golden memory of gaming days past, like a fine piece of historical art.

Is Nostalgia Value Enough?

My opinion is that these games should probably be left in the past. They were influential stepping stones down the path towards titles that we have on our shelves today. At the time, they were groundbreaking and full of excitement. They provided us with some amazing early gaming experiences.Out of the few remastered titles I have played (of which I had also played the original), they didn’t bring me the same captivation as before. If anything the experience slightly dampened my memories from those past gaming experiences.

If I’m going to relive an old game, I like to do it by playing that original title on its original platform. I have an old Nintendo 64, and from time to time I still enjoy blowing the dust off and reminiscing on classics like Banjo-Kazooie and Golden Eye. These games had their own flaws and USPs at the time that they were made. That's is something that made them more memorable. I personally wouldn’t like to play a remastered version of Golden Eye on my PS4. It just wouldn’t be the same.

My Verdict

Remastered games will by no means be able to create a bigger impact in the video game market than new titles. They don’t draw the same excitement and anticipation as something brand new for the gaming community. That being said, there is definitely a place for them on our shelves. They provide a nostalgic feeling for gamers that you cannot obtain with brand new releases, and they hold a lot of appeal for publishers too.Do you agree with me? I would love to hear your thoughts on remastered video games in the comments below!How are you liking our brand new blog so far? You can find out more about the site, and Venom, on our About page.

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