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Games with Multiple Endings (Detroit: Become Human)

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Sarah Hook

With the average price for a standard AAA-rated game now priced around £50-£60, we like to get some longevity for our money.  Games with multiple endings are perfect for this - you can easily play the same game over but end up having a completely different experience than before by making different choices each time you play.Events in these games have a knock-on effect which usually doesn’t become clear until the very end. Detroit: Become Human does exactly this and does it perfectly with over 100 possible combinations you can play to your heart's content without getting exhausted of playing the same story over and over again.Be warned: This post contains serious spoilers!

Detroit: Become Human

Detroit: Become Human is a game that, depending on the decisions you make while playing, has 99+ possible endings. That's an awful lot. We won’t be going into huge details with all of them, but if you’re interested in seeing them you can watch this YouTube video featuring every single one (be warned – it’s 4 and a half hours long!). We thought we'd run down the best ways to actually keep your characters alive until the end of the game.[embed][/embed]


How to survive with Alice and Luther

Throughout Kara’s storyline, the main objective is to keep Alice safe and protect her. When it comes to the end of their storyline, the final outcomes are a mixture of them both surviving, both dying or one of each.In order for both Kara and Alice to survive – and Luther (how can we forget Luther) - make sure you follow the steps below in each chapter.

Stormy Night

It’s possible for Kara to die in this early chapter, so you need to make sure that when trying to escape with Alice you betray Todd’s orders and break free from your programming. As long as you hit all of the on-screen prompts you’ll succeed and manage to escape.

On The Run

In this chapter you need to make sure that you evade the police officers and avoid being chased by Connor. If you do trigger the chase, you can still escape intact as long as you hit all of the on-screen prompts again – otherwise, both Kara and Alice could die by being hit by a car.


This is the chapter where you encounter Luther, who aids you in your escape from the house. To succeed in this level, make sure you unlock the doors in Zlatko’s Android torture chamber to set them free –they’ll come in handy later.Make sure to set the house on fire and make a break for it through the backdoor, as long as you hit all the on-screen prompts you can avoid Kara being shot.Luther steps in to help you at this point, and those Android’s you released earlier will dispose of Zlatko for you. Luther will then ask if he can join you - make sure you say yes to bring him along.

Midnight Train

When the cop arrives you need to get Luther to take Alice and hide upstairs and clean up any and all evidence to avoid being suspicious. Get the cop to leave as quickly as possible. It’s possible for Luther to die in this chapter so tread carefully!


When the military invades Jericho, Luther will be injured in the process and tell you to go and leave him but you need to make sure you help him. You’ll be separated later on but as long as you help him when he’s injured he will come back. When you get outside with Alice, you need to play dead and stay still in order to avoid the military noticing you. Intense stuff.Battle for DetroitThis level is all about stealth. Once you get past the military you’ll see Luther about to be shot. Once you’ve witnessed this you can carry onto the checkpoint – stealthily, remember! If you help Luther quickly, then you should have enough time to make the detour and avoid the checkpoint completely. If not then keep your head down as you go through it. As long as you don’t attract attention, all three of you can make it through without being noticed.For all three of you to escape unharmed you need to get on the bus at the expense of the family you encounter by stealing their tickets. Awkward. Once you reach the border, you will come across some old friends who you can choose whether or not to sacrifice. This is where how you play as Markus has an impact on Kara’s story. If you chose the pacifist path then you can go straight up to the kiosk and plead your case and allow you, Alice and Luther to safely pass the border to freedom.

Detroit Become Human


Survive to the end

After being accused of either killing Carl or injuring Leo (depending on your choices) and ending up in a scrap heap, Markus rebuilds himself from the parts of other discarded Androids and rises up as the leader of the Android resistance, making it surprising to nobody that your actions as Markus have a wide branching impact on the other characters. If you want to achieve that coveted 'Survivors' trophy, there are a few things you need to make sure of.

Freedom March

When Markus and his group make their way to the Woodward Mall Centre and begin to march, a police officer will notice the demonstration and order the androids to stop. When they don’t, more police show up and you’re faced with three options: stand your ground, attack the police, or disperse the protest.If you choose to stand your ground your survival depends on what other characters you have with you. If John and/or Simon are there, then Markus will survive - but any hopes of getting the 'Survivor trophy' will be lost as John or Simon will be killed instead.Attacking the police increases the risk of Markus or one of the other characters being killed, similar to standing your ground. If you have Simon or John with you, they will still sacrifice themselves at a point where Markus is seconds away from being shot by police – again dashing your attempts at achieving the trophy.If you opt for dispersing the protest, then after you announce that you’re leaving the riot police to receive the order to attack. If you opt to flee then the police start to shoot the androids whilst they try and run for cover. This option will keep everyone alive but will damage Markus’ relationship with North, Josh and Jericho negatively. Your relationship with Simon would strengthen – as would the public opinion.

Battle for Detroit

In the final chapter of the story, there are multiple ways in which Markus can perish and it all depends on your previous gameplay. Here are a couple ways Markus can die in this chapter...If you decide to attack the camp, then in the final battle you will end up fighting Connor. If Connor wins the fight then he will kill Markus. Connor also has the choice to shoot Markus if his peaceful protest is successful.If the attack on the camp fails and Connor does not fight with Markus in the Cyberlife store then you will have the option as Markus to shoot yourself.Finally, if you accept Richard Perkins’ deal, he will double-cross you and shoot Markus in the head. If you want to stay alive, refuse.


Throughout the Game

Connor can die multiple times during Detroit: Become Human, but it's actually an expected outcome. Since Cyberlife uploads his memories and make copies of him, his deaths do not remove him from the story like they do other characters. Most of the time, if you die playing as Connor he'll come back.

The Interrogation

One of his more dramatic deaths is during a chapter entitled “The Interrogation”. You can decide to go in with an aggressive stance and interrogate a detainee at the police station. This will lead the HK400 android to become agitated and bang his head on the table over and over as Connor is leaving. You’ll get the option to intervene, but if you do the android will steal one of the officer’s guns and shoot Connor in the head, before ultimately turning the gun on itself.Being shot in the face seems to be a bit of a trend for Connor. In the chapter “The Bridge” it’s possible for Hank to shoot Connor as long as the relationship between the two is at a hostile level. Which it often is.


The chapter of the game that contains the most possible outcomes for Connor is “Crossroads”. Your decisions can clearly be seen to have made an impact, because Connor can either still be a corporate machine or have turned deviant by the end of it.In this chapter, you'll also be given the option of blowing up Jericho. If North is the leader instead of Markus this creates further routes and choices. Regardless of your choices however a lot of these avenues lead to Connor being shot by soldiers who have moved in to take down the android threat. Make sure you hit those quick time events if you want to keep Connor going.Phew - we're exhausted now. Detroit: Become Human is up there with some of the very best games with multiple endings. Let us know in the comments which one you get!Don't forget to enter our summer giveaway while you're here, either!

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