Mortal Kombat 11 Review - Screenshot of game battle|Mortal Kombat 11 Head Stab GIF

Review: Mortal Kombat 11

Written by
Sarah Hook

We've been busy putting together our Mortal Kombat 11 review for a little while now. The game has been out for a few weeks already, so be warned that this review does contain some storyline spoilers - proceed with caution if you've yet to play the game.We decided to review Mortal Kombat 11 for you lovely readers. It has to be said that our experience with playing Mortal Kombat in the past has been casual - mainly played with groups of friends doing quick tournaments (and a lot of button mashing). This time, however, I wanted to take a deeper dive and get the real feel for Mortal Kombat 11.Launching the game, I found that the tutorial is simple yet effective. It gives you instruction on everything you need to know. From the basics, like how to move the character, block, and produce special combos (which usually provides a gory mini cut scene of someone’s bones being broken or stabbed with something -nice). Even for the inexperienced Mortal Kombat gamer, you can easily pick up a controller and play without any background knowledge.

The Storyline (Contains Spoilers)

With a storyline that’s spanned multiple games, it's safe to say that the plot has gotten a little bit long-winded and messy along the way. What better way to add yet more twists and turns than... time travel!The game makes references to previous iterations of the franchise through the dialogue in cuts scenes and 'smack talk' before fights begin. While lost on those of us who haven't followed the franchise religiously, this will no doubt resonate with fans who have played the storyline of the games though.The cut scenes and fights seamlessly lead into each other without loading screens. This enables the player to stay immersed in the game. Because of this, you don’t notice the time passing so much. Great for when you’re having one of those big gaming sessions and are really in the 'flow' of it.

Netherrealm Cathedral

With anything story involving time travel, there are opportunities to throw back to classic moments and pay lip service to fans. In one scene, we see younger versions of Kano, Erron Black, Jade, Raiden, Kitana, Liu Kang, Johnny Cage, Sonya, Jax, Scorpion, and Kung Lao appear from an alternate timeline.


Mortal Kombat 11 is rated 18, and rightly so. The game has become synonymous with realistic depictions of violence and gore and this version is no exception. Some countries such as Indonesia, Ukraine and Japan have even gone as far as to ban the game completely!The developers have taken an 'if it’s not broke, don’t fix it' approach to player's stat displays. With one character on each side of the screen and the health bar at the top. Nothing particularly new here.One of my favourite gameplay features is the way that fighters interact with the environment around them. If you find yourself cornered, simply press R1 and your character will either do a vault off the wall and give you the upper hand, or grab a weapon where available. They’re not just at edges of the screen either. One level, in particular, takes place by a large bowl with spikes around the edges. I’m sure you can guess what happens there...

Mortal Kombat 11 Head Stab GIF

Overall, this game has changed my view of the Mortal Kombat franchise. I'll definitely be playing more of it, whether I jump back into the story or just enjoying some quick PvP battles. All I know is that I'll make it my mission to see all of the fatal attack finishers - the best parts of the fights! Check out the video below for a mini compilation of my favourites. Tread carefully if you're squeamish!

The Venom Verdict

  • Riveting storyline
  • Varied choice of characters and locations
  • Imaginative fatal attacks
  • No loading screens
  • Detailed tutorial
  • Complicated combos can have you checking the controls, which takes you out of the immersion

OUR SCORE: 4.5 out of 5

Want to get your hands on Mortal Kombat 11? You can enjoy £15 off the Venom Arcade Fight Stick if you pick up the game at Argos before 10th June 2019!Enjoyed this review? Why not checkout more from the Venom blog?

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