Each month, a different member of the team will sit down to tell us about the games that hold a special place in their heart. These are the games that shaped us, and this week it’s the turn of warehouse operative Ross. We sat down with him to discuss his favourite games growing up!Click here to check out the other Games That Shaped Us from the Venom Team
Ross D'Arcy
Role in the company:
Warehouse operative
Preferred console:
I've always preferred Xbox One over PlayStation, mainly due to the feel of the controller and the community.
First game you played:
The first game that I played was Minecraft. I used to play with my friends online so it was a good way to keep connected whilst playing a fun game.
Favourite game of all time:
My favourite game is Grand Theft Auto 5, the huge open world means there's loads of stuff to do so even if I'm not doing the main missions I can still play the game.
Least favourite game of all time:
Fornite definitely. Battle Royale games are just too repetitive for my liking and I don't like the cartoon style.
The game you’re most looking forward to:
Cyberpunk 2077! It looks awesome and I can't wait to get my hands on it.
Greatest gaming achievement:
I'd say when I completed GTA 5 to 100% I didn't want to just binge through the game and wanted to do all the side missions and everything to get the full experience of the game.Check out our previous installment of our games that shaped us series where we spoke to E-commerce Manager Simon Moore
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