Just for Fun

The Games that Shaped Us (#7)

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David Walters

Each month, a different member of the team will sit down to tell us about the games that hold a special place in their heart. These are the games that shaped us, and this week it’s the turn of Senior Designer David. We sat down with him to discuss his favourite games growing up!Click here to check out the other Games That Shaped Us from the Venom Team.


David Walters

Role in the company:

Senior Designer

Preferred console/method of gaming:

I switched from a SNES to the original PlayStation when it was released in 1994, then religiously upgraded each time, right up to the PS4.

First console/game you played:

I could barely control my excitement the day that my dad brought home an Atari. That excitement though was short-lived once Pong had finished loading!The initial amazement at having my first gaming console thankfully returned when we switched over to Space Invaders and I started a campaign to protect the earth from alien attack.

Favourite game of all time:

I'm a big fan of the GTA series with my favourite being Vice City. Just to make me feel really ancient, it turned 17 years old this year! Loving anything ‘Mob’ related, how could I not jump at the chance to play as a character with such a massive nod to Tony Montana in Scarface? The open-world gameplay, quality story and characters (voiced by greats such as Ray Liotta, Tom Sizemore and William Fichtner), and a cracking soundtrack playable through the radio stations in your car, give such an immersive experience I can’t help going back and re-playing it.

Least favourite game of all time:

Although I love the idea of stealth games, I tried and failed many, many times trying to be sneaky in Tom Clancy’s Splinter Cell. It would appear that my gaming fun comes from flat out attention-seeking mayhem.

Game you’re most looking forward to:

Being a Star Wars geek but not a fan of first-person games, it’s been frustrating not being able to get into the Battlefront series. I really enjoyed The Force Unleashed and its sequel, so I can’t wait to start battling the Empire again in Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order.

Greatest Gaming Achievement:

With so many games to play and so little time to play them I rarely manage to complete any to 100%. My one and only success was in Uncharted 3: Drake’s Deception. Every nook and cranny was searched and the style of death blow was dealt Don’t think it will ever happen again!Check out the previous instalment of our Games that Shaped us series where we spoke to Warehouse Assistant Ross!

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||Alex Verry - Venom Games That Shaped Us||||
December 23, 2019

The Games that Shaped Us (#8)

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These are the games that shaped us, and this week it's the turn of Alex Verrey, the co-founder of Little Big PR.

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