With so much to digest from this year’s Gamescom show, from Stadia to Borderlands 3, we’ve decided to compile all of our favourite parts into one convenient post for you! Check out below what Kelly, Sarah, David and Tom thought of the show and what we enjoyed the most.
Borderlands 3
The queue to experience the next eagerly awaited instalment of the Borderlands series was long, and understandably so. We got hands-on with it, and now we’re even more excited for the full release. It’s everything you’d expect from a Borderlands game. Tongue in cheek humour, ridiculous weapons, and a badass plot. Even in the one mission we played, the sheer number of weapons you could get your hands on was impressive. Variety is the spice of life and all that.
Watchdogs Legion
As big fans of Watchdogs, and Brits, we were excited to see what the (definitely not post-Brexit apocalypse) London setting had in store. There’s a large pool of playable characters to choose from, which grows as you meet them, and can also shrink if you die thanks to the (optional) permadeath feature. Choose your player wiseley, as their skillset is important for success.
Google Stadia
The streaming service is set to launch later this year, and we just had to check it out. We played some Mortal Kombat on both mobile and TV screens, using the Stadia controller. We didn’t experience even so much as a hint of lag – impressive stuff at a show where bandwith on the free wifi was at a premium. The controller is slightly smaller than an Xbox one, feels good to hold, and has a Youtube sharing button conveniently positioned in the centre so you can upload and live stream to your heart’s content.
This was my first year attending Gamescom and I’m already looking forward to hopefully going back next year – the sheer size of the place was a bit overwhelming so I’m sure there’s loads of stuff I missed! After seeing the stands spread over 10 halls it’s easy to understand how Gamescom is the World’s largest gaming event, with more and more visitors passing through the doors each year.It’s hard to pinpoint one thing in particular that I enjoyed, being a PlayStation gamer I immediately made a beeline for the Sony stands, sadly it seemed so did everyone else, I was most looking forward to trying out Control or Death Stranding (both if I had my way) but with queues reaching an approximate 3 hour wait it just wasn’t going to happen.If I had to choose I’d say my favourite aspect of the show was the real sense of community between the gamers, every hall I went through there were crowds of people eagerly waiting to play the games, watching the live demo’s and shows, cheering for giveaways and everyone was clearly having a great time.All too often in the gaming community, people are arguing over what’s “better” usually between Xbox and PlayStation – but with Gamescom, it’s evident that the organisers have tried, and in my opinion, succeeded, to make sure that there’s a place for everyone. Whether you’re into console gaming, PC, retro or indie – there’s a place for you at Gamescom.Also – how can I not mention the cosplay area? The dedication to create the costumes to such an accurate level was second to none and it was great fun walking around that section. Roll on Gamescom 2020!
Netflix was brill!
Whilst Netflix isn’t known for gaming it was great to see their presence at Gamescom on Wednesday, they had their game Stranger Things 3 set up in a classic 80’s Arcade machine with the Nintendo Switch Pro controllers for actually playing the game, they also had a section for their upcoming game and show The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance which is set to be a pretty epic looking fantasy production with a mixture of creepy – just like the original movie.If you’re a Stranger Things fan they had a replica of the Scoops Ahoy store – sadly sans Steve “The Hair” Harrington – but they did have ice cream! You could delve into Eleven’s Mind as well, but again the queues were against us.Lastly on the Netflix stand they had a bank vault from their show Money Heist and if you wanted to continue with the creepy vibe there was an area dedicated to the German Si-Fi series Dark.
I spent most of my time in meetings with other companies in the trade area but the time I did get out in the halls my favourite was seeing Google Stadia. Getting to play on that has definitely got me looking forward to when the founder's pack goes live in November. I was a bit disappointed that Stadia hasn’t announced whether Cyberpunk 2077 will be on their platform to coincide with the console release in April, but here’s hoping we won’t have to wait too long for it.The biggest disappointment was no mention of a Goat Simulator sequel.Enjoyed the article? Let us know what you enjoyed the most about Gamescom 2019.Don't forget to enter our giveaway too!
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